Jamon Holmgren

What I'm doing now

Last updated July 12, 2024.

(Inspired by Derek Sivers' post, here's what I'm currently up to.)

  • I have yet another hobby -- well, an old one that resurfaced, really. I'm making a game! You can follow my progress on my new game dev focused YouTube channel: youtube.com/@JamonGameDev.
  • I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and have been learning a lot during that process.
  • I'm taking the summer off from playing ice hockey for the Poikas. I love playing hockey -- started when I was 19, stopped for about 13 years, and restarted when I was 37. I'll be back at it this fall!
  • I have my coding-focused YouTube channel as well, Jamon's Code Quests, where I explore code in short, engaging videos. Tune in for coding insights, tips, and tricks!
  • I've returned to attending conferences! If you're interested, check out my latest conference talks.
  • Lots of family activities ... my kids are growing up!
  • I'm still making use of myhome gym, albeit not as much as I'd like to.